In the beginning.....
It was just me....and Him
It was so pure
No worries, no concern about things, no pretence, no insecurity...
Everything is just fine.
He made me so fine, so tender, so noble, so great,
but at the same time.... fragile, ....and beautiful.
From the very beginning, until the end.
When life begins, everything goes to its own direction
wildly, uncontrollable, unpredictable...
And I begin to change as well...
I begin to wound, split....and hurt.
But He is still at the same place in my heart,
with the same love ...
same disposition.
In His eyes...
I still and always will be ...the very same beauty, as if I am always new... from the beginning.
He is never distracted to look at me just as I am...
to unceasingly love me,
beautiful as I am from the beginning,
no matter what.
He loves me just the way I am
with all my weaknesses, failure, fragility....
He just loves and accepts,unconditionally.
He died for me...won't He do everything to save my soul and to help me to enter to His kingdom to be with Him again till eternity ?
If He loves everybody the same way,
why should I judge and hate others? No matter how difficult they may be...
Why should I lose hope in finding goodness in this world, good in others?
Sometimes....I miss that tender moment
a lot....
to be just with Him, just with myself...and Himself alone.
Just the two uf wonderful....
that will be my truest happiness...when I will be I, peace, pure, noble
It's to keep that real happiness...
to keep myself pure and noble,
to be just precious and as pure as from the start...
and not being discouraged by the world....
by my failures, mistakes, the past.
Because He is still at the same place,
with the same love...
waiting and looking at me with the same look ...with the same loving care,
as precious as I could be from His hands.
He is not distracted, never waver...
He keeps loving me,
until eternity....
Letting me be just as I am,
beautiful as from the beginning...
till the very end.
Jesus, I love You...I miss You...I long for You desperately....for Yourself alone.
Malang, 3 Januari 2011