V ery many blessings .......
A dded to my life,
L ighten my days,
E nriching my knowledge and experience,
N urturing my heart with care and compassion.
T he day God has made us to encounter one another....
I know we are unfolding bit by bit a love story He has in store for us.
N ow on the day in which love and compassion is being celebrated,
E nables me to express how grateful I am to know you and to recognize God’s eternal love through you, ....your life, your love, your care, your passion to serve Him, your exemplary deeds, your hospitality, .......your friendship, your understanding, your sacrifice, your laugh and sorrow. They are becoming our life, our love, our care, our passion to serve Him, our laugh and sorrow, our wonderful days together. My life might never be enough to give thanks to God for being with you, loving you, sharing my life with you in renewed love in Him, my lovely hubby. You are my valentine's greatest gift in my life from God the Almighty, God of Love.
May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being – spirit, soul, and body – free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you will do it, because He is faithful
(1 Thessalonians 5 : 23-24)